-Try to stimulate the given circuit using the circuit maker again.
-The circuit constructed is testing again before starting the soldering work.
-Try to find out the problems and obstacles during the testing and try to solve it.
Laboratory 1st year for Electric and Electrical (Faculty Engineering and Building Environment)
2 Oktober 2009
Time: 10.30am-12.30pm
Task leader:
Chong Kim Soon
Yii Wen Wen
Working flow process:
This is the fourth day we doing our project. First, we started to stimulate the given circuit using circuitmaker again. Unfortunately, the lucky star seem like don’t stand at our side, the problems we faced yesterday still occur. Without any hestitation, we skipped stimulation part and going on other works in order to save our times.
Before soldering, we test the circuit we constructed yesterday again. After testing no problems, we started our soldering jobs. Basically, soldering work is quite challenging and exciting and somehow our hand may shake when soldering the components. But still the soldering work is managed to finish in times.
The component which is construct on the copper board.
The process of solidering
Then, we tested the circuit again. LED is observed for its brightness. Successfully, LED is on with the red colour lamp then the circuit is considered successful.
Finally, we troubleshooting the circuit and the stimulation part in order to solve the problems we obtained.
*RUSH…RUSH… RUSH!!! Whole day full with rush and hurry!! Since the laboratory don’t open on Saturday and Sunday, we need to rush to the end today in order to complete our laboratory’s works. Thanks for everyone who giving any help and cooperation to us in completing our works~
Tomorrow will be a brand new day for all of us, just wait and feel what will be the amazing things will happen and it may change your whole life!!